License not valid after upgrade to


i upgraded from to and now i get following exception:

System.InvalidOperationException: The license is not valid for this product.
at Aspose.Pdf.?.?(Stream ?)
at Aspose.Pdf.?.?(String ?, Assembly ?)
at Aspose.Pdf.License.SetLicense(String licenseName)

my license’s editiontype is enterprise, licenseversion is 2.0 and it expires in july 2007.
i downgraded back to and everything works fine.


Hi Robert,

Thanks for reporting this issue.

After investigation we doubt the problem occurs rooted in your license itself because we can not reproduce the same error with our testing license.

Please send the license file to us. We will find out reason and reply to you soon.

Dear Robert,

Sorry for this problem. Is is caused by a mistake during the release process. I have updated the msi. Please download it again.

Thank you Tommy, the new package works fine.