Licensing aspose.cad for pdf

Last week I was working with Aspose.CAD for PDF to convert DWF files to PDF. I’m using the straight-up python library (pip install aspose.cad)
Today I received a temporary license, which is an XML file; I don’t know how to utilize it. The code samples for implementing seem to be for .NET or C or whatever (I don’t know, but it’s not python).

Does anyone know how to apply this license? To be clear, there is a License.set_license method in the python library, but I don’t know how to use it. The PDF conversions I’ve done so far look great, but I can’t actually import them into the tools I need; they end up being black boxes. I think it’s because of licensing.
Thank you

could you please test if this is useful:

from aspose.cad import License

lic = License()

Thank you - that seemed to work.

Seeing that made sense - my python is very basic still.

happy to hear it worked :slight_smile: