LightCells 7.0.x for creating large XLS-2003 file

I need to generate a XLS-2003 file which may contain more than 65K rows and 400 columns using a simple
XLS template file

Data will be picked up from standard tab seperated data file.

I tried LightCells API. But it is throwing :- java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Is this not yet supported by Aspose ?


Please give us your sample project to create the desired excel file with LightCells API. We will check whether it can be optimized for performance(memory) for you. And another notable thing is, with XLS file format, you cannot create a sheet with more than 65535 rows or 256 columns data.


I want to perform some data formatting operation after putting data in worksheet.

I am usiing LightCellsDataProvider inteface.

Is there any method in interface like endSheet(int sheetIndex), just like startSheet().




Please see the document/article:

It will help you on how to add huge list of data plus apply different formatting and styles upon data in light cells.

Thank you.

Hi Amjad,

I have created XLS (Office-2003) file using LightCellDataProvider in Aspose.Cells.

Now I want to format data in the excel. Is there any method in the LightCelldataProvider interface like endSheet(int sheetIndex). Currently we have only startSheet(int sheetIndex) method which performs some operations after starting the sheet.

Do we have any way to format the data in Excel file after putting in the worksheet ?




Please see the reply relating to your post at this thread.

( Excel Data formatting using LightCellDataProvider )