- Line numbers (serial numbers, ids) are not printed in the generated document, after the page orientation is changed from portrait to landscape.
- Issue occurs only on the page whose orientation is changed to landscape and on all the pages after that landscape page.
- To apply the Line numbers to the generated document, stylesheet is applied using the “.dotx” file. Please refer the same in the 7z file. Cover_Page_-_Kopie.7z (32.3 KB)
- If we open the Word document in Microsoft Office (Word) or the ASPOSE online doc viewer, the issue is reproduced i.e. line numberings are not displayed.
- If we open the Word document in some of the other Document Viewers, the issue is NOT reproduced i.e. line numberings are displayed properly.
- In “Open Office” software issue is NOT reproduced.
- In another online document viewer (Online Document Viewer | Tutorialspoint) as well, the issue is NOT reproduced.
Please find the attached generated Word document for your reference: Word_9e284fb0-6b3c-4eee-b18b-d179f7055744.docx (113.3 KB)
Request the team to please help us with answers to following questions:
- The issue in reproduced only in MS Word/ASPOSE online doc viewer. Is this the expected behavior?
- If not, let us know if we need to follow any specific steps or use any specific API to resolve this issue?
Rishikesh Agam