Line Type Not Converting


I am using C# and NetDxf to generate Dxf files and then using ASPOSE .NET CAD (v21.1.0) to convert the Dxf to a PDF. In my source code, I have a LwPolyLine using a DashDot Linetype. It looks good when viewing the Dxf, but after converting it to PDF, the dashed line is lost and is replaced with a solid line.

Has anyone else experience this issue and/or have a workaround? Here are some screenshots:

Dxf line type DashDot: LineTypeDashed.png (21.9 KB)

After converting to PDF: LineTypeSolid.png (9.3 KB)

Thank you!


We need to investigate the issue on our end and for that I request you to please share the source file along with generated output having issue.


Here are the requested files:
Generated pdf: bb97e1f2-ef95-4c62-baf0-8eb1b02d7faa.dxf.pdf (18.7 KB)
Source dxf file: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life
C# Solution Source Files: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life


Thank you for sharing the requested information. A ticket with ID CADNET-1358 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has bene linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

I also request you please don’t remove the shared files from Dropbox till the issue is resolved.

Thank you for the update. I will leave the files on Dropbox while the issue is being resolved.


Thank you for your understanding. We will share updates with you as soon as the issue will be fixed.

@mudassir.fayyaz What is the status of this issue? It’s been nearly 20 days without an update.
Thank you.


The concerned issue has been marked as resolved in upcoming Aspose.CAD for .NET 21.4. We request for your patience and will share updates with you as soon as the product will be shared online.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CADNET-1358) have been fixed in this update.