Linearization in Aspose.PDF

When i use PDFFileEditor class to merge pdf together are they automatically optimized. here is a sample code i used from help files.

'create PdfFileEditor object

Dim pdfEditor As New PdfFileEditor()

'array of files

Dim filesArray(1) As String

filesArray(0) = "input1.pdf"

filesArray(1) = "input2.pdf"

'concatenate files

pdfEditor.Concatenate(filesArray, "output.pdf")

so is output.pdf Linearized. How do i turn that off or how do i created non-Linearized file Let me know. I am currently using Aspose.PDF


Hi Charles,

Thanks for using our products.

The output generated with PdfFileEditor class is not Optimized/Linearized by default. However in order to Linearize/Optimize the resultant PDF document, you open the resultant file with
Document class object and call Optimize method of same class. In case you have any further query, please feel free to contact.

Hi Nayyerv

Is there a way to tell that the generated pdf is linearized or not right away ?


Hi Charles,

I am afraid the requested feature is currently not supported. However for the sake of implementation, I have logged this features as PDFNEWNET-30636 in our issue tracking system under New Features list. We will further look into the details of this requirement and will keep you updated on the status of correction. Please be patient and spare us little time. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Is there a way to tell that the generated pdf is linearized or not right away ?


Thanks for your patience. As per your request, we have added a new property IsLinearized in Document class to check that the specific document is linearized or not and this feature will be available in our upcoming release version 6.3.0. Soon you will be updated with the status of correction. Please be patient and spare us little time.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 30636 ) have been fixed in this update.

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