Lines break in wrong place when converting to PDF


When converting the attached document to PDF the lines break in the wrong place.

Is there a workaround for that?

I’m using Aspose.Words


Thanks for your request.

Currently Aspose.Words does not support hyphenation upon converting to PDF. This issue is logged in our defect database. You will be notified once it is fixed.

Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-2707) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your inquiry. Aspose.Words’ layout engine now supports Hyphenation. However, to be able to use this feature, you must register a hyphenation dictionary specific to your language as follows:

Document doc = new Document("C:\Temp\test.doc");
Hyphenation.registerDictionary("en-US", "C:\HyphDic\hyph_en_US.dic");
//Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary("de-CH", @"C:\HyphDic\hyph_de_CH.dic");"C:\Temp\out.pdf");

I hope, this helps.

PS: a few such dictionaries can be found here

Best regards,