Link is creating for entire paragraph

Hi Team,
I am using following code Page page = document.Pages[1];
TextFragmentAbsorber ta = new TextFragmentAbsorber(“Appendix \r\n13-18”);
ta.TextSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(page.Rect);
Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentCollection TextFrgmtColl = ta.TextFragments;
if (ta.TextFragments.Count > 0)
foreach (Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment tf in TextFrgmtColl)
LinkAnnotation link1 = new LinkAnnotation(tf.Page, tf.Rectangle);
link1.Action = new GoToRemoteAction(file, 1);
(link1.Action as GoToRemoteAction).NewWindow = ExtendedBoolean.True;
// Add link annotation to annotations collection of first page of PDF file


And the input file is Appendix_Main.pdf (175.1 KB)

i want create single link for appendix 13-18 which are in different lines not for whole paragraph(means for total two lines)

please help me

your regards,

According to the pdf spec, the LinkAnnotation should have QuadPoints (“аn array of 8×𝑛 numbers specifying the coordinates of n quadrilaterals in default user space that comprise the region in which the link should be activated”). In the library at the moment, only objects of the TextMarkupAnnotation class (and its descendants) have QuadPoints. I tasked the development team to implement QuadPoints for LinkAnnotation.
In the current situation, I see it is only possible to make two separate LinkAnnotations. Having the same Action but different Rect (corresponding to “Appendix” and “13-18”).

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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-54335

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