Linkedcell property for radio buttons

We are using version of aspose.cells

I'm trying to read the linkedcell property from an existing excelworkbook(created using aspose)

However when I cast the shape to a radiobutton the linkedcell property is nothing.

Can you tell me if this property is supported for radiobuttons.

I did read a post on here that the linkedcell property is only supported for checkboxes

for example

For Each shape As Aspose.Cells.Shape In excelsheet.Shapes

If shape.MsoDrawingType = Aspose.Cells.MsoDrawingType.RadioButton Then

Dim rButton As Aspose.Cells.RadioButton = CType(shape, Aspose.Cells.RadioButton)

If rButton.LowerRightColumn = startPoint.X And rButton.LowerRightRow = startPoint.Y Then

strValue = rButton.LinkedCell.ToString

Exit For

End If

End If





Yes, Currently, LinkedCell property is supported if the control is CheckBox but not for Radio Button, We will support it soon.

Thank you.

Thanks for your very prompt reply.

Given the current situation,I wonder if you can suggest a solution using whats currently available.

I have as worksheet that may have a number of radio buttons, textboxes, checkboxes etc. (basically a list of questions in a survey)

There may be multiple radio buttons per question and multiple questions using radio buttons.

If I use a groupbox to group the radio buttons for a single question together is there a way to iterate through just the radio buttons for that question to get the selected value?

The radio buttons may contain identical options for different questions. e.g. agree, disagree, strongly disagree etc.

As an aside is there also a problem with the ischecked property of a radiobutton? as it appears to be false regardless of whether the radiobutton is checked or not.



Hi Steve,

We will soon support to retrieve LinkedCell and isChecked properties in the designer excel files.

For retreiving radio buttons in a sheet you may try... e.g..,

Workbook wb = new Workbook();
Aspose.Cells.RadioButton radio = null;
foreach(Aspose.Cells.Shape shape in wb.Worksheets["Sheet1"].Shapes)


if( shape.GetType().ToString() == "Aspose.Cells.RadioButton")


radio = (Aspose.Cells.RadioButton)shape;




Thank you.


Please try the fix.

We have supported to read linked cell of radio button from template file.