Linking Table of Contents to Bookmarks


I am dymaically building a product catalogue.

I would like the TOC to link to the start of each product catagory (so the user can click on the document will move to that section)

I have been trying to research linking the TOC to bookmarks, but cannot work out how to do it?

Do you have an example of this being done? or there a better way?

Please help?


Please build a prototype of the desired document in MS Word and attach it here. I will then advise you on how to attain similar results using Aspose.Words.

Please see attached.

Thanks for providing the sample document. I have also received your e-mail. Sorry for delay, but I need some time to research the issue, and so I will probably be able to come up with some recommendations tomorrow.

It seems all you need to do is to follow the steps described in Inserting a Table of Contents article of Aspose.Words documentation.

Please try to follow recommendations given in this article and let me know if you will have any further questions on this.