LINQ Reporting Engine - Access JSON by name index

I have a JSON file that looks something like this:

            "Name": "Paul"

I would normally would use "<<[Parent.123.Name]>>" which is fine, but how can I access 123 using a variable/ other elements in the JSON. Exampe `"<<[Parent[ChildId].Name]>>


To access members which names do not conform C# restrictions imposed on class/member names, double quotes should be used for escaping as shown in the following snippet:

JsonDataSource dataSource = ...

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();

ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.BuildReport(builder.Document, dataSource, "Parent");

To clarify, when creating a template manually rather than by code, its syntax should be as follows:


I have a variable called ProductCode (stored in JSON), I want to reference this variable within the linq statement like Parent.[ProductCode].FieldValue. [ProductCode] = Json Element.


Could you please share the complete JSON file, so we could better understand the scenario?

Thank you, I have found a workaround to the problem.