LINQ Reporting Engine - Any() and Contains() is not working

Hi Team.
SampleTemplate.docx (33.1 KB)

I am passing a Json string to the word document and have added some conditional checks within the document.
[FindingsAndRecommendations?.Any(x => x.ParentSection == “Portfolio Management”)] does not work if I send the string with space. The same works if passing only JSON, but JSON string as the input it fails.
Also, <<if [(ClientTypes?.Contains(“HedgeFunds”) == true) || (ClientTypes?.Contains(“PrivateMarkets”) == true)]>>
is failing even if the JSON contains the string value mentioned. In this case <<if [ClientTypes?.Any(x=> x ==“HedgeFunds”)]>> is also failing.
Below is the JSON string.

Have uploaded the sample document for the same.

Please let me know if any more details are required.


Could you please also provide sample code reproducing the issue?

Below is the sample code,

string json = //above json converted to string
Document doc = new Document(//document);
MemoryStream j = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json ?? ""));
options.AlwaysGenerateRootObject = true;
JsonDataSource dataSource = new JsonDataSource(j, options);
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.Options |= ReportBuildOptions.AllowMissingMembers;
engine.Options |= ReportBuildOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs;
engine.BuildReport(doc, dataSource);

Also from the above question [FindingsAndRecommendations?.Any(x => x.ParentSection == “Portfolio Management”)] this is working fine.
still facing issue with this, " Also, <<if [(ClientTypes?.Contains(“HedgeFunds”) == true) || (ClientTypes?.Contains(“PrivateMarkets”) == true)]>>
is failing even if the JSON contains the string value mentioned. In this case <<if [ClientTypes?.Any(x=> x ==“HedgeFunds”)]>> is also failing."


This is because there is a mismatch in JSON data and template condition: JSON data contains “PortfolioManagement” (without a whitespace) whereas “Portfolio Management” (with a whitespace) is used within the template. After adding a whitespace to the corresponding JSON value, the issue is gone.

This is due to special treatment of JSON arrays containing simple values by LINQ Reporting Engine. Here is a relevant quote from Accessing JSON Data:

Note – To reference a JSON object property that is an array of simple-type values, the name of the property (for example, “Child”) should be used in a template document, whereas the same name with the “_Text” suffix (for example, “Child_Text”) should be used to reference the value of an item of this array.

Please check SampleTemplate_Modified.docx (30.4 KB) illustrating this.

Thanks for the update on this. The Any() with “Child_Text” works perfectly fine.

Wanted to know how to we check for Contain(), seems like in the document you have shared, Contains() have been removed/changed to Any(). How do I check Contains() for a array of simple-type values.


Internally, an array of simple-type values is represented as an array of objects, so every item becomes an object (that is why, you can access an item value using the “…_Text” property of this object). As per Enumeration Extension Methods in C#, Contains’ parameter is a value to be searched for, so it should be this object representing an item rather than a string. That is why, Contains does not work for this case and was replaced with Any.