LINQ Reporting Engine - Gauge Chart, Secondary Axis in Chart

I was attempting to make a Gauge Chart with Linq Reporting Engine. Unfortunately, there is no simple chart; instead, a combination of Doughnut Chart and Pie Chart must be used. For the time being, I’m having trouble displaying the pie chart which is the Pointer Variable as a secondary axis.

C# Code

Using Aspose.Words;
Using Aspose.Words.Reporting;

Chart = [
        { Name = "A", Number = 100},
        { Name = "B", Number = 200}

Pointer = [
        { Name = "Value", Number = 50},
        { Name = "Pointer", Number = 1},
        { Name = "Total", Number = 201 - (50 + 1)},

Sender sender = new Sender { Chart = Chart, Pointer = Pointer }

string inputFile = @"<<Path>>/Doc1.docx";
Document doc = new Document(inputFile);
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.Options = ReportingBuildOptions.AllowMissingMembers;
engine.BuildReport(doc, sender);

outputFile = @"<<Path>>";



Here is the references video:

@leoteoh I have logged a task WORDSNET-25951 in our defect tracking system. We will investigate possibility of creating such chart using LINQ Reporting Engine and provide you more information once analysis is done.


It is possible to build a chart as required, but input data should be changed as shown in the following code snippet:

string json = @"
        { title: ""A"", back: 100, pointer: 30},
        { title: ""B"", back: 100, pointer: 1},
        { title: ""C"", pointer: 169},

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json));
JsonDataSource dataSource = new JsonDataSource(stream);

Document document = new Document("Doc1_Modified.docx");

ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.BuildReport(document, dataSource, "data");

document.Save("Doc1_Modified Out.docx");

Here is the modified template used by the snippet: Doc1_Modified.docx (25.6 KB).