LINQ Reporting Engine - JsonDataSource Enumeration Extension Methods

I’m trying to use Enumeration Extension Methods from ReportingEngine with use of JsonDataSource (in JAVA language).
Unfortunately whatever I’m trying to use it always ends with error.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “com.aspose.words.internal.zzVWh.zzXWJ(Object, String, com.aspose.words.internal.zzVSM[])” because “this.zzXYr” is null

I prepared sample test in JUnit 5:

@ValueSource(strings = {
void shouldPassWithoutErrorForJson(String expression) throws Exception {
  Document doc = new Document();
  DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

  var reportingEngine = new ReportingEngine();
  var data = new JsonDataSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(JSON_TEST_DATA.getBytes()));
  reportingEngine.buildReport(doc, data, "test");

private static final String JSON_TEST_DATA = """
      "name" : "David",
      "activities" : [ "Cooking", "Computer Games" ],
      "addresses" : [ {
        "street" : "1st street",
        "city" : "New Town"
        "street" : "2st street",
        "city" : "New City"


We have tested all the cases you provided and encountered no NullPointerException thrown. The issue can be related to reflection optimization as per your other thread. Please check this and let us know if the issue is still present.

As a note, expressions declared within tags <<[test.addresses.Count()]>> and <<[]>> are not valid and cause IllegalStateException to be thrown, but this is an expected behavior.