LINQ Reporting Engine - List images horizontally with subsequent line continuation

Hi Aspose Team,

I have several requirements for complex custom reports for our organization, and I’m facing one particular blocker. I need to list all the images coming from the application horizontally. Reviewing the documentation, the <<image>> tag supports vertical conversion when using a <<foreach>>. I tried using <<foreach [in lstImages] -horz>>, but that didn’t work. I ended up using invisible tables, which worked partially; however, if the size and amount of images are big enough, the Word table overflows, the Word document loses the format, and it looks unprofessional.

Can we handle several images and horizontally present them? Ex,



If the maximum number of images per line is known, then you can use next tags within a table with no borders as shown in Template.docx (16.5 KB). You can use the following code to build a report from it:

Document document = new Document("Template.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.BuildReport(document, new int[5], "items");
document.Save("Template Out.docx");

See Forcing Movement to Next Item within Data Band for more information.

A post was split to a new topic: LINQ Reporting Engine - List images horizontally with next line continuation