LINQ Reporting Engine: Null values and operators

We are using the LINQ Reporting Engine in C# to generate Word documents based on a Word template.
Our parameter AMOUNT in the JSON object can have two values:

  • A number, for example 7000000
  • Null

The below shortcode works for an amount like 7000000, but not for null values.
<<[AMOUNT / 1000000]:"0.##">>
The error we get is:
Error! Can not apply operator ‘/’ to operands of type ‘System.String’ and ‘System.Int32’.

We tried with the below shortcode to resolve this, but it also doesn’t work.
<<[AMOUNT ?? 0 / 1000000]:"0.##">>

Working with if else also doesn’t work. The reporting engine always executes the else clause even if we go into the if.

How can we resolve this? Worst case I need to tackle this on JSON generation side, for example by replacing null with 0 but I am not really a fan of this.

@wfbe Could you please provide your sample template and datasource that will allow us to reoriduce th eproblem? I tested with the following simple data:

  "data": [
    { Amount: 70000 },
    { Amount: null }

the following template:

<<foreach [a in data]>>Value: “<<[a.Amount/100]:”0.##”>>”

and the following code:

JsonDataSource ds = new JsonDataSource(@"C:\Temp\data.json");
Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.BuildReport(doc, ds, "data");

And here is the produced output: out.docx (10.0 KB)

You can reproduce it as follows.

  "data": {
    "AMOUNT": null

<<[AMOUNT / 1000000.00]:"0.##">>

If we provide a number, it works. But sometimes there is no number available and so it is null. The division operator is causing the issue.

@wfbe You can achieve this using a custom method. For example see the following code:

JsonDataSource ds = new JsonDataSource(dir + "data.json");
Document doc = new Document(dir + "in.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.BuildReport(doc, ds, "data");
doc.Save(dir + "out.docx");
public static class NumberConverter
    public static double AsDouble(double? value)
        return value ?? DefaultValue;

    public static double AsDouble(long? value)
        return value ?? DefaultValue;

    public static double AsDouble(string value)
        return DefaultValue;

    private const double DefaultValue = double.NaN;

The template in this cases should look like this:
Value: <<[NumberConverter.AsDouble(data.Amount) / 1000000]:"0.##">>

@alexey.noskov thanks this works.
Two questions:

  • What is the best way to show something else than “NaN” in the generated document?
  • Is there a way to implement this without such as complex shortcode? For the business that fills in the shortcode, this is complex to understand.


You can simply return another default value instead of NaN, for example you can use zero as a default value.

I am afraid, I do not see any other way to achieve this without custom method.

@wfbe You can also try using JsonSimpleValueParseMode.Strict. In this case the following code will work:

JsonDataLoadOptions options = new JsonDataLoadOptions();
options.SimpleValueParseMode = JsonSimpleValueParseMode.Strict;
JsonDataSource ds = new JsonDataSource(@"C:\Temp\data.json", options);
Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.BuildReport(doc, ds, "data");

@alexey.noskov , this second option also seems to work. Thanks for the great help!

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