List valid export values


How do i list the valid export values for radio groups, listboxes and checkboxes ?
(I need the know which value to set, when I fill the form)

Best regards

Ole Kirkholt,
MicroTech Software

Hi Ole,

I’m afraid that I couldn’t understand your question. Can you please elaborate the requirement a little bit?

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.


I would like to fill the attached pdf-document.
The text-boxes is easy, baceuse you can type any text

In the attached pdf-document, there is a radiogroup on page 2.
I would like to select one of the options. In your documentation, it says that you set select a radiogroup-options by setting the fieldvalue to one of the valid export values.
Therefore I need to find the valid export values.

Best regards

Ole Kirkholt

Hi Ole,

I’m sorry to inform you that currently Aspose.Pdf.Kit doesn’t allow you to get the list of export values of a radio group. You can either specify an index in the list or a particular value from the list already known to you as shown in this article: How to fill form fields with API.

However, I have logged a request for new feature as
PDFKITNET-10159 in our issue tracking system. Nevertheless, I’m afraid that this feature can’t be supported in short time (near future). We’ll update you via this forum as we add this feature in future.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.


I have solved my problem, regarding the radiogroup on page 2.

Be selecting a value manually in acrobat reader, saving the form and use aspose to show the field value, I found out that the radiogroup has exportvalues form 0 to 7.

However setting the field value to 0 did NOT select the first option (1 - 7 worked).
Setting the field value to true selected the first option.

Best regards

Ole Kirkholt,

MicroTech Software

Hi Ole,

I would like to update you regarding the above issue. Our development team has resolved the issue of getting valid export values and the fix will be provided to you shortly.


The issues you have found earlier (filed as 10159) have been fixed in this update.

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