Load TIF or PDF to Aspose Document Object

I am using licensed version Aspose.Words :
I would like to assign local TIF Image and PDF Files to Aspose.Words.Document object and print them directly to printer. I am trying to do something as below. Can you please update why I am getting UnknownFormat error. I would like to load TIF image and print directly to printer without any print dialog. Is it possible thru Aspose object? Can you please provide some code sample if its possible?

Dim lobjFile As Aspose.Words.Document Dim lobjLoadOptions As Aspose.Words.LoadOptions = New Aspose.Words.LoadOptions
lobjLoadOptions.LoadFormat = LoadFormat.Auto
lobjFile = New Aspose.Words.Document("C:\Images\Test.TIF", lobjLoadOptions)

Please let me know.
Vinay Hattarki

Thanks for your inquiry. Aspose.Words does not work with TIF files directly; it works only with MS Word documents. As a variant, you can insert your image into the Word document and after that print this document.
You can use DocumentBuilder.InsertImage method to insert Image.
Best regards,

That is Okay for TIF images, how to get PDF files data in Aspose document object?
Is it possible? Can you please share any snippets for same?
Vinay Hattarki

Thanks for your request. No of Aspose products support PDF to Word converting. But if it is acceptable for you, you can convert PDF document to an image, using Aspose.Pdf.Kit, then insert this image to word document.
Regarding Aspose.Pdf.Kit, please feel free to write in the appropriate forum. My colleagues from Aspose.Pdf.Kit team will answer you shortly.
Best regards,

Hi there,
Just incase you haven’t heard, The latest version of Aspose.Pdf now provides direct PDF to DOC conversion which preserves document elements as editable.
Please see the page here for details: https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/convert-a-document-to-pdf/