Load times slow for spreadsheet with 21-000 rows

Hello ASPOSE Tech Support,
I am loading the attached spreadsheet into a GridDesktop and it takes between 45 seconds on a Intel Quad-Core XEON 2Ghz (4Gb memory, windows 2003 server) up to 3 minutes Intel Core 2 1.8Ghz. (2Gb of memory, Windows 7 32bit).

I am using the

gridDesktop1.ImportExcelFile(Common.PriceFile, true);

command, so nothing special - but to load this file takes a long time. Is there a way to improve this, I have tried with runFormulas set to False, and only got a 2 second improvement. I have also tried with the FileStream method but this gave me the same timings.



Dear John,

Please find out the latest fix for the Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop for .Net
(v2.2.0.2004). The latest fix loaded the same file in 16 seconds on a
machine with the following specifications,

Intel Core 2 duo 2.0 GHz

4.0 GB RAM

Windows Vista 64 bit.

Please try the latest fix and let us know if problem persists.

Hello Salman,
The loading times have improved!.It's now down to 11 seconds on my PC.

