Load xlsb file full of formula too slow

I encountered a scenario where when I converted xlsb into xlsx files, one had 30000 rows, but two columns of xlsb files starting with = took 90s server time, while when I deleted the equal sign in xlsb, it only took less than 1s. So if I just want to convert the xls/xlsb file to the xlsx file,Is there any way to write a formula into xlsx without recognizing it?

Would you like to provide your sample file? We will check it soon.

image.png (194.9 KB)
Sorry, I can’t. This is the customer’s file. It is an xlsb file, which is full of this kind of things, about 100000, delete these equal signs can speed up to less than 1s.

Please just leave about 1000 records in the file. Then we can check the data in the file.

The sample file we created based on the image information you provided cannot reproduce your issue. The file can be quickly saved from xlsb to xlsx using the following code. Please refer to the attachment (240.3 KB).

Workbook wb = new Workbook(filePath + "sample.xlsb");
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
wb.Save(filePath + "out.xlsx");

I found that it was not the reason for the formula, and once I saved it again with office, it could be processed at normal speed (this xlsb file will be repaired after being opened with office). So now I can’t make any changes to the file, otherwise the service will not reproduce the problem, and I can’t provide the original file. There seems to be no other way here. Fortunately, this file is relatively rare. I have only met it two or three times. If there is no other way, let’s do it first. Thank you for your reply.

Thank you for your feedback. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

If the file is created by API and there are many similar formulas, it’s better that you can set shared formula, not set the formula one by one:


We have tested many scenarios to simulate your situation, such as many normal formulas, many array formulas and many shared formulas. Unfortunately we cannot find the performance issue. So we think there must be some special data in your template file which caused the issue and without the original data we cannot trace the issue.

Now that changing the file in ms excel cannot get one resultant file which can reproduce the issue, maybe you can try to load the file with Aspose.Cells, and then delete the sensitive data from the workbook, and then re-save the workbook to another xlsb file. If the generated xlsb file can reproduce the performance issue, you may provide it to us and we will try to figure the issue out.