Loading ODP/OTP File with Aspose.Slides for .NET Is Taking Too Much Time

When I trying to open a simple ODP or OTP file with Apsoe.Slides it hangs in the Presentation() constructor and after 5 minutes I have to kill the process. Open document presentations are supported by Aspose.Slides right? What could be the problem?

var presentation = new Presentation(filePath);

Files: test_files.zip (636.7 KB)

Aspose.Slides 21.1
.Net Core 3.1 project
Linux environment

Thank you for the issue description. You are right, Aspose.Slides library supports the Open Document Format.
I have reproduced the problem and got the same results. I have logged the issue in our tracking system with ID SLIDESNET-42425. Our development team will investigate it. You will be notified when it is fixed.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-42425) have been fixed in this update.