Looking for the Equivalent of MathML's "mover"

I am looking for the equivalent of the MathML’s tag mover. Neither MathBar nor MathLimit does it well. Did I miss some API?

Here are the details.

The attached MathML produces an arrow that covers the full length of characters AB.

image.png (419 Bytes)

Both of the following in Aspose.Slides produce a top arrow that does not cover the full length of AB.

new MathematicalText("AB").setUpperLimit("→")
MathLimit mathLimit = new MathLimit(new MathematicalText("AB"), new MathematicalText("→"));

image.png (330 Bytes)

The following provides a top bar line with the desired length however the bar character is not configurable.

new MathBar(new MathematicalText("AB"))

image.png (316 Bytes)
sample.zip (221 Bytes)

Thank you for describing the issue. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience. Unfortunately, I also have not found a way to make the expected expression using Aspose.Slides. I’ve added a ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-38949 to our issue-tracking system. Our development team will consider implementing such a feature. You will be notified when a new release of Aspose.Slides with the feature is published.


I was able to implement the expression using MathAccent.

new MathematicalText("AB").accent('\u20D7');

The key is the choice of accent character. We should use character \u20D7 (COMBINING_RIGHT_ARROW_ABOVE) instead of character \u2192 (RIGHTWARDS_ARROW)

We are glad to know that the issue was solved independently. Thank you for the solution example.