Low performance on aspose.tasks

Elapsed time to load a project was 6.77 secs
Elapsed time to set duration of a task was 6.34 secs
Elapsed time to recalculate all project was 30.00 secs

public void Slowly_Calculation()
* Aguardando feedback do Aspose
using (var stream = LoadFromAssembly(“CronogramaCom1000Tarefas.mpp”))
TimeSpan timeToLoad, timeToCalculateTask, timeToRecalculateTask;

	var timer = new Stopwatch();

	var project = new Project(stream);

	timeToLoad = timer.Elapsed;


	var task = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(31);
	task.Set(Tsk.Duration, project.GetDuration(9, TimeUnitType.Day));

	timeToCalculateTask = timer.Elapsed;



	timeToRecalculateTask = timer.Elapsed;

	Assert.IsTrue(timeToLoad < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), $@"A abertura demorou {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} segundos");
	Assert.IsTrue(timeToCalculateTask < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), $@"O cálculo demorou {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} segundos");
	Assert.IsTrue(timeToRecalculateTask < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), $@"O recálculo demorou {timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} segundos");

}CronogramaCom1000Tarefas.zip (644.0 KB)


Thank you for writing to Aspose support team.

You code is executed and similar time spans are observed. It seems that as the project file contains about 1300 tasks, so it may take time to load, set properties and recalculate. Aspose product team has tried to implement the functionality in a best possible way. However if you have performed any comparison with some other product, please provide us detail of the product, sample code and parameters. It will help us to analyze it and share the feedback with the product team.