Mail merge on rotated fields

Hello, I am a customer of Aspose.Words and trying to execute a mail merge on a document that has a field rotated 90 degrees. It seems that the control ignores the rotation and tries to render the field horizontally. Are rotated fields supported by this control?

Thank you for your request.
Could you please provide us your template for analysis. We will look it and give you more detailed information.

Please find attached a simple example.


Thank you for additional information.
Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce your problem on my side.
Perhaps you are using an older version of our product.
The latest version you can download from here.

I used this code for testing:

License lic = new License();
Document document = new Document("E:\\Exp-updated.docx");
document.MailMerge.Execute(new string[]{"location", "name", "soonest_expiration", "id"},
new object[] {"Africa", "Egypt", "12", "23"});
document.Save("E:\\out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);

My output document in the attachments.

Yes, I am using an older version of the product so that must be the problem. Good to see you were able to get it to work.

