Mail Merge/ Replace with HTML

I have about 400 pages word document need to be mail merge or replace text in web application.
In ASPOSE what’s the best way to mail merge or replace text in the word document with html code coming from database fields? The html code is generated by FCKeditor. The html code has multiple pages and main, sub bullitins…
After mail merge/ replace we need the document open in a word format.


Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. I think the best way to fill the document with data is using Mail Merge feature. Please follow this link to learn more:
Also please see the following link to find an example which shows how to mail merge HTML data into a document using IFieldMergingCallback:
Best regards,

I used insertHtml for the following html string from our database, it display in wrong way for bullitins:

for example the following two html with bullitins are displaying different from the real html page:

Dim html As String = "<ul><li>first</li> <li><strong>second bold</strong></li><li>sub bulltin here:<ul><li>sub 1</li><li>sub 2</li><li>sub 3</li></ul></li><li>last 222 here</li><li>last one here</li><li>Another sub bulltin here:<ul><li>sub 1</li><li>sub 2</li><li>sub 3</li></ul></li></ul>"

Dim html As String = "<p>Test</p><ul><li>Test two1 <ul><li>Test 2 <ul><li>Test 3 <ul><li>Test 4</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></li><li>Test 2 <ul><li>Test 2.1 <ul><li>2.2</li></ul></li></ul></li><li>Test 3 <ul><li>Test 3.1 <ul><li>3.2</li></ul></li></ul></li><li>Test 4 <ul><li>Test 4.1 <ul><li>4.2</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>"


Is this a bug?


Thanks for your request. I just answered your question here:
Best regards,