Mail merging startin on odd pages


We are mail merging multiple records in a word document. What we want is that every record must begin on an odd page.
For instance, for 2 records taking 3 pages each, that you print double-sided, the first record should be on page 1,2,3 (the 4th page is blank) and the second record should be on page 5,6,7.
Actualy, the result is first record on page 1,2,3 and second record on page 4,5,6.

If we add a section break between TableStart and TableEnd we got the message :
“Mail merge region ‘Master’ is badly formed. TableStart and TableEnd should be in the same section, same table row or same table cell.”

Is there a way to set the word document in order to achive such a thing, i mean without code ?


@ISIWARE As an option, you can use IF field at the beginning of arch record and check whether the page where the record start is odd or even and insert page break conditionally. Field code should lock like this:
{ IF {=MOD({ PAGE },2)} = 0 "even" "odd" }

But instead of even and odd values you should insert page break.

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Thanks, it works !

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