Mailbody to PDF - with tracker image


in our solution we convert html-Bodies to Pfd, also use inline attachments and then reduce the quality with the metode “OptimizeResources”.

In the mails sometimes tracker-images can be included, in the last example they have a size of 1x1. Only in the case of quality reduction there are the following errors:

System.ArgumentException: Ungültiger Parameter.
   bei System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format)
   bei System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height)
   bei #=zotcPXldKTFzePs9ufN24INpQIbvTY$NjoIROLgs=.#=zNO2tGy7WSWyC(Bitmap #=zgihAuSk=, Int32 #=zrOP_OqM=, Int32 #=zr$gWxQ4=)
   bei #=zotcPXldKTFzePs9ufN24INpQIbvTY$NjoIROLgs=.#=zk7iNCEae_47JOvXS2g==(OperatorCollection #=zvY61pUg=, Resources #=zLBqwSTs=)
   bei #=zotcPXldKTFzePs9ufN24INpQIbvTY$NjoIROLgs=.#=zPDzyCwY=(Document #=zvhPzd14=)
   bei #=zyD96OofoL5DCL001Zr8$8zxWTv4G.#=zPDzyCwY=(OptimizationOptions #=zU9uttqM=)
   bei Aspose.Pdf.Document.OptimizeResources(OptimizationOptions strategy)

The tracker looks like this:
0* == ID

It is also clear why, is there a hedge in the standard that bypasses the problem?

We are still working with the version: 19.2.0

Thanks in advance


Would you please try using Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.11 in your environment and in case issue still persists, please share your sample source file with us. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Thanks for the explanation here and link. Basically, I want to know more about a pdf image tracker. Do you use any type of tracker app for this? Please let me know.