Mailmerge with IList object collection


Are you planning to add support to start a mailmerge on an IList collection containing other objects?


= collection of contacts containing an object Contact

Contact object with properties like:

  • Lastname
  • Firstname
  • Address.Street
  • Address.Country.Name
  • Friends[0].Name

Currently you have to convert this a dataset and then you can use the mailmerge. It’s easier if you can bind it directly.

ps. please note the nested (collection) properties



Thanks for the idea.

Mail merge in Aspose.Word needs to be able to retrieve a value by a field name. I don’t quite see how to represent name-value pairs using IList in a manner that is generic enough to be useful for many customers. I might allow mail merge to accept IDictionary, but I don’t think this is what you are after.

The IList or IEnumerator contains the objects that are used for
the mailmerge For each object in the IList/IEnumerator you execute code
like this (= the same as a DataSet with multiple records):

What you basically do is:

MSWord contains: MergeField "Contact.LastName", MergeField "Contact.Address.Country.Name"

long id = 100;

Contact contact = GetContactFromWhatEver(id)


The overloaded mailmerge method just executes on all the fields in the word document.:

result = Eval(contact, mergeFieldFromWord, [formatting])

You have to implement contact.Address.Country.Name yourself in a loop:

object newValue = Eval(contact, "Address");

newValue = Eval(newValue, "Country");

result = Eval(newValue, "Name");

the same is true for contact.Friends[0].Name… Parse it first and
recusirvely execute it with Eval…(i think you need reflection for
this, but i’m not sure)

