Map Of Word & HTML

Description of DOCX and HTML Property Association.
Is there any relevant introduction

for example:

@chenwei Unfortunately, there is no such list for roundtrip attributes used in HTML in the public documentation. I will consult with our development team and let you now if we can share such list with you.

@chenwei Unfortunately, there is no such mapping list. The problem is that these attuites do not have one to one mapping.
Could you please elaborate a bit more why you need this information and describe your use case of these attributes?

I want edit document with html.
Want to use HTML attribute to represent common attribute of word.
web 3. 0 is the trend of anything.
So association specification is very important for word & HTML.

Aspose is a very good tool for data!
Expect to share attribute association definitions.

thanks very much!

@chenwei It is not recommended to manually manipulate or use aw-xxx attributes in HTML. The is quite complex algorithm of handling these attributes for backward compatibility and some of attributes might rely on other attributes.