Math equation in Aspose.Words

Hello everyone!

There is a document in which the text may contain a formula like Latex. Example:

$$b^n = \sum_{n=1}^{\text{FKD}} \frac{\text{SG a day}^n \times \text{СВ}}{100 \times 365 (366)}$$

I need to render it in Aspose.Words so that in the docx document it will be displayed as an Equation (example on the screenshot). How can this be done?

Thank you very much for your answer

P.S. I`m using aspose-words 19.11 for Java

@cagecrew I am afraid Aspose.Words does not support inserting OfficeMath from LaTeX.

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I can convert LaTeX to another format.
What format is supported?

@cagecrew You can convert your equation to MathML format and then insert it using DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml method.

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Do you know what library can be used to convert from Latex to MathML on the Java backend side?

@cagecrew You can try using one of the following JMathTeX or TeX4J, recommended by ChatGPT.

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