Mathjax support or Not?


My objective is to convert html file to word and my html file contains math equations using MathJax Liberary. So please tell me that aspose.word support MathJax or not?
Here is my Html View contains Math Equations.

Hi Ahmed,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please note that Aspose.Words mimics the same behavior as MS Word does. If you load the same html in MS Word, you will get the same output by Aspose.Words.

Unfortunately, I am unable to view math equations in the shared html. When I load the shared html document in browser, I get error message. ([Math Processing Error]). Please check the attached image for detail.

Hi Tahir Manzoor,

I can understand this problem, actually mathjax online liberary and my other style sheets are aslo not loading in this file that you are using. Ok, i’ll send you another file that contains inline styles.
Thank you so much for nice response.

Ahmed Shair

Hi Ahmed,

Thanks for your feedback. Once we have your input document, we’ll start our investigation into your issue.

Please feel free to ask if you have any question about Aspose.Words, we will be happy to help you.