MathML Version 3 Not Supported By Aspose Words Java 24.11

Hi Support Team, We are facing issues with Representation of MathML in Aspose Words
For Reference We are Sharing 2 MathML Code Snippets Older Ones are supported Properly but The latest format of MathML Representation not working
Older Math ML Snippet

<math xmlns="">
    <mfenced separators="|">
    <mi> </mi>
    <mfenced open="{" close="" separators="|">
                                <mi mathvariant="normal">cos</mi>
                                <mi> </mi>
                        <mfenced open="|" close="|" separators="|">
                        <mi> </mi>
    <mi> </mi>

Latest Math ML Code

<math xmlns="">
            <mo stretchy="false">(</mo>
            <mo stretchy="false">)</mo>
                <mo fence="true">{</mo>
                <mtable rowspacing="0.16em" columnalign="center" columnspacing="1em">
                            <mstyle scriptlevel="0" displaystyle="false">
                                    <mo stretchy="false">[</mo>
                                    <mo stretchy="false">]</mo>
                                    <mo separator="true">,</mo>
                            <mstyle scriptlevel="0" displaystyle="false">
                                    <mi mathvariant="normal">∣</mi>
                                    <mi mathvariant="normal">∣</mi>
                                    <mo separator="true">,</mo>
                <mo fence="true">}</mo>
        <annotation encoding="application/x-tex">f(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{c}{[\cos
            x], x&lt;1} \\ |x-2|, 2&gt;x \geq 1\end{array}\right.</annotation>

Please Guide Us if there are Special settings to Get Latest one Working


Can you please provide more details about the specific issues you are encountering with the latest MathML representation in Aspose.Words? Are there any error messages or unexpected behaviors?

Please Find The PDF’s Attached with
latest_mathml_version.pdf (213.7 KB)

old_mathml_version.pdf (186.5 KB)

Please look at the Fencing and Font Representation

@supportmeritstudents Do you mean incorrect curved brackets size?
out.docx (7.7 KB)

Yes, regarding Brackets

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-27669

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Please Find out the zip (1.4 KB)

file for MathML Representation

@supportmeritstudents Thank you for additional information. I have already logged the problem into our defect tracking system.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-27669) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for Java 25.2 update.