Maven build failed git Could not transfer artifact com.aspose:aspose-words with 403

We got exception:

Could not transfer artifact com.aspose:aspose-words:pom:16.1.0 from/to AsposeJavaAPI (Aspose Repository Browser /java/repo/): Authorization failed for 403 Forbidden

            <name>Aspose Java API</name>

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Apparently your problem is related to the fact that version is missing in the dependency description. Please make sure that the dependency in your .pom file is described as follows:

	<name>Aspose Java API</name>

Hi, we use 21.2 and it was working fine, today it breaks all the builds with that dependency.

unfortunately I can’t reproduce the problem on my side. Version 21.2 downloads for a simple test project without any issues. Please send me your .pom file so that I can check the functionality of a simple project with it.

In addition, I would like to specifically draw your attention to the fact that version 21.2 is old and no longer supported. I strongly recommend using the latest version (currently 24.5). It contains the latest updates and fixes for bugs and vulnerabilities. It can be downloaded by the following link
Download Aspose.Words for Java 24.5 .