Maven repo should answer a 404 error for unknown dependencies

There is a problem with maven repository. When a unknown dependency is called, it should answer with a 404 error, but it doesn’t. Instead, the home page is called.

It’s a big problem, because, I’ve added your repository in my server list in order to be able to download aspose. When maven asks your repo for aspose it anwsers OK. But when maven asks for another dependency (one who’s stored on another server) it should anwser an 404 error… When maven recieves the 404 error, it goes to the next repository.

This is a pretty new issue. 14 days ago (before my vacation) it was working fine I think.

Exemple with an official maven repo (it answers with a 404 error)

Exemple with your aspose repo (it answers with a wrong html page that looks like XML but isn’t)


Correct repository URLs should start with:

So, can you please try the following URL instead and see if it gives you acceptable result?

Perfect, maven understands the error and goes to the next repo. Thanks.

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