Media Files

I am trying to prototype a system which takes apart submitted ppt files, indexes the slides in a sql database and seperates out each one into its own ppt file. Users can then search for slides and build up their own presentations. Could you help me with the following?

The system will need to maintain media files. As it stands, any placeholders that link media files don’t seem to survive the process, even if I copy the linked file manually. Also, when reading the initial ppt, how do I identify such placeholders and read the url for the linked file? How do you recommend this is handled?


We are publishing new 2.1 release today or tomorrow.
It allows to read from presentation and add new video and audio clips.
So you will have possibility to read links.

Unfortunately it’s not possible to clone slides with embedded audio files yet.

Thanks Alexey

I’ve downloaded the new version. Could you give me some idea how I might use the new feature. During the processing of each slide, should I check through the placeholders and use the following?

If holder.PlaceholderType = 25 Then …

Can I clone these slides or not?

Will I be able to read the path of linked files and copy them ‘manually’?

If you could point me in the right direction that would be great.


I’d suggest to use media files as frames and don’t insert it to placeholders.

To insert new video clip you can write:
slide.Shapes.AddVideoFrame(500,500, 2000, 2000, “C:\WINDOWS\clock.avi”);

Audio clip as link to file:
slide.Shapes.AddAudioFrameLinked(500,500, 2000, 2000, “C:\WINDOWS\Media\Windows XP Logon Sound.wav”);

Embedded audio clip:
FileStream fstr = new FileStream(“C:\WINDOWS\Media\Windows XP Logon Sound.wav”, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
slide.Shapes.AddAudioFrameEmbedded(1000, 1000, 500, 500, fstr);

Slides with embedded audio clips can’t be cloned correctly yet.
But you can clone slides with linked video and audio without any problem.
Also you can save data from embedded clip to file (or MemoryStream) and insert it to another slide.