Merge filled templates


I lose all my values in filled fields in pdf template.
It happens after merging filled pdf template with other pdf.

I use for merging Aspose.Kit. Aspose.Form is for filling template.

What’s not right?

I have found out that it happens if do not write in code “FlattenAllFields()”

Dear Alexery,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

We are testing the problem, it is true that the value is missed when the kit merges two files which include an acrobat form, now we are looking for a solution.

Dear Alexey,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

Merging forms is not so simple as it looks, there is a little difference between acro form and usual page, they must be processed respectively. New APIs will be constructed to support the feature, the new version will probably be got a month later.


I’m getting the following error when merging two forms:

Exception Details: System.IO.IOException: PDF header signature not found.

Source Error:

Line 89: Dim pdfEditor As New PdfFileEditor()
Line 90:
Line 91: pdfEditor.Concatenate(memPdfForms(0), memPdfForms(1), strPdfFile)
Line 92: strPdfFile.Close()
Line 93: End Sub

Is the error above a separate issue?


Dear cohenn,

Thanks for considering Aspose.

It looks like a problem with the input pdf stream, for instance, the stream is empty, or is corrupted, or isn’t at the beginning of stream, these cases may cause the same exception. You can monitor the stream before it is passed in.

Best regards.

Thanks. Resetting the pointer’s position to the beginning of the stream fixed the problem. Will you be providing a new method for optimally concatenating more than 2 streams?


The feature will be provided quickly.

Thanks for considering Aspose.

Dear cohenn,

The feature of merging multi-stream is provided in version1.1.2, you can downloaded it from Downloads.