Merged Cells are lost after AutoFit method call using .NET


We need convert html string to pdf and word documents. Some cells in html has rowspan and colspan properties.
The part of code we use:

Document document = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(document);
            string htmlContent = @"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='ru'>


<table border='1'>
<td rowspan='3'>Test1</td>
<td rowspan='3'>Test2</td>
<td colspan='7'>Test3</td>
<td rowspan='3'>Test4</td>
<td colspan='2'>Test5</td>
<td colspan='2'>Test6</td>
<td colspan='2'>Test7<br>Test8</td>
<td rowspan='2'>Test9</td>



            builder.PageSetup.Orientation = Orientation.Landscape;

            NodeCollection tables = builder.Document.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Table, true);
            foreach (Aspose.Words.Tables.Table table in tables)
                if (table.AllowAutoFit)

            document.Save($"C:/test/Report.pdf", Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

In result, created file (pdf) contains incorrect table, last column doesn’t have merged cell, right border of table is broken. Pleese see attached file Report_incorrect_with_AutoFit.pdf.

Table is correct after deleting code line with method AutoFit (see Report_correct.pdf)


Why method AutoFit breaks table with merged cells? How we can use AutoFit and merged cells together?
Thanks for your help.

Report_correct.pdf (20.5 KB)
Report_incorrect_with_AutoFit.pdf (20.5 KB)


In your case, we suggest you please do not use AutoFitBehavior.FixedColumnWidths in Table.AutoFit method.

Please note that Aspose.Words disables the AutoFit option and removes the preferred with from the table when AutoFitBehavior.FixedColumnWidths is used. The widths of the cells remain as they are specified by their Width properties.