MERGEFIELD format options

Hi, I noticed that some of the MERGEFIELD format options work, such as *Upper, whereas others don’t, such as *ROMAN. Can you provide a list of which options are supported? We’re particularly interested in formatting date fields. Thanks.

Thanks for your request. At the moment Aspose.Words requires picture format switches in merge fields to be in the US (InvariantCulture) format. This is because Aspose.Words uses standard .NET functions to format values. The output will be different of course depending on the current culture on the machine, but the input format string must be in the InvariantCulture.
If you need specify date format then you can use the following switch for example.
\@ dd.MM.yyyy
Best regards.

I am an associate of Kit, the original poster.
Date format picture switches seem to work just fine. In fact, most switches seem to work fine. It seems that the *Roman is simply ignored.
Can you either verify that this is a known issue or tell me what I need to do to make this (and all format switches) work? What other information can I provide to you?

Thanks for your request. Unfortunately *Roman switch is not supported yet. I created new issue #5260 in our defect database. I will notify you as soon as it is fixed.
Best regards.

Thank you for your prompt response.
Is it know what other format switches do not work?

Currently merge field parser is sensitive to these options (flags):
\b – text before
\f – text after
\# – number format
\@ – date format
And the following values:
Please let us know what format switches are important for you.
Best regards,

Can you provide an example of using the FirstCap value? Here is what I am trying, which isn’t working:
{MERGEFIELD LastName * FirstCap}

Thanks for your request. I tried the same on my side and all works fine. Here is my code:

string[] names = { "test" };
string[] values = { "alexey" };
// Open the template document
Document doc = new Document(@"Test233\in.doc");
// Execute mail merge
doc.MailMerge.Execute(names, values);
// Save document

Also see attached documents.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5260) have been fixed in this update.

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