Merging mailmerge documents


Problem with page footers. We combining several person data with several different word-template
to a one document.

2005 we wrote this (pseudo)

foreach (sss in yyyy)
srcDoc = AsmaKirje(ssss, apu, tulostusmuoto, kirjetaso); //mailmerge is done here
desDoc.Sections.Insert(0, srcDoc );
desDoc.Sections.Insert(0, srcDoc .Sections[0].Clone());

Now we testing with latest version

we wrote this

foreach (sss in yyyy)
doc = AsmaKirje(ssss, apu, tulostusmuoto, kirjetaso);//mailmerge is done here
foreach (Section srcSection in srcDoc)
Section newSection = (Section)this.desDoc.ImportNode(srcSection, true, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting);
desDoc.Sections.Insert(0, newSection);

Now we missing page footers. Only footer at first page is showing. Any advise?



Hi Mikko,
Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say what the problem is without the document and complete code. I need your input Word document and code to reproduce the problem on my side.
It is safe to attach files in the forum. If you attach your document here, only you and Aspose staff members can download it. Also you can send the file to my e-mail as described here:
You can also remove any sensitive information by replacing it with dummy data instead.
Best regards,