Hi there
I have a main template which has some placeholders (e.g. {Prefix.PlaceholderName}) which I would like to replace. I’m using the TextFragementAbsorber class to achieve this. As long as the text to replace is something simple, this is no problem. But how can I replace this placeholder with an entire section of another PDF document (let’s say something that has multiple paragraphs that are styled differently, or entire tables or other complex constructs). What’s the right way to find such a placeholder/position and then insert more complex PDF data?
Help is greatly appreciated.
PDF format is quite complex in terms of its structure and elements. It is quite difficult to shift all the data to the next pages while placing some new image/page or data between two lines or words. Nevertheless, we will surely investigate the feasibility of the requirement that you have. Can you please share your sample source and expected output PDFs for our reference?
Sure, see the following two PDF files:
mainTemplate.pdf (27.3 KB)
subTemplate.pdf (44.1 KB)
The mainTemplate contains a simple string placeholder {Load subTemplate…} where the content of the second file should be inserted. Hth!
Best regards
Will it be ok for you if the inserted content is in the form of an image? OR you need to be text so that it can be selected as well?
I’m afraid that wouldn’t be enough, since this piece of text also might contain placeholders which need to be replaced.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PDFNET-56522
You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
Thank you for letting me know. I’ll gladly track the given issue ticket.
Best regards
Sure, and we will also keep you posted about the ticket progress via this forum thread.