Metadata by converting Word File in to PDF-File

Dear Aspose Team,
I have a problem and I hope you can help me.
We use SharePoint 2013 and we have a workflow for approve files.
When a user approved a file then the other user get a new file which he cannot edit this one.
In this file we need the metadata (Version Number, guarantor and so on…). The file, who we need this information, is a pdf-file.
Can your tool execute this task?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Daniel Schrei
Application Development
IT Business Applications


Thanks for your inquiry. I am afraid, you can’t write version number or guarantor name of your own in Aspose.Words generated PDF files using Aspose.Words. However, with Aspose.Pdf, you can set XMP Metadata in any PDF File. Please refer to the following link for details:

PS: This feature is currently not available in Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint. You can get this to work by using Aspose.Pdf for .NET API in a custom SharePoint web part

Best regards,