Hi, I am using Aspose.3D to convert FBX files into GLB format. When I open the GLB file, I can see the albedo, normal map, and emissive texture, but the metallic map and roughness map are not present. Am I missing some settings when using Aspose?
Can you please share your sample source file along with the sample code snippet with us so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.
The FBX does not natively support PBR-based material, Maya/3ds max/and other tools have their own custom properties for storing PBR information, and they’re not compatible to each other.
Even their custom properties for defining PBR are compatible, they may still differ to GLB’s definition of metallic/roughness.
We’re investigating the feasibility of refactor our material class models to Maya’s material graph, which is over complicated for most formats but flexible.
A problematic source FBX file is welcomed for us to investigate.
I have attached fbx file, converted GLB file, and code snippet to this email. Please check.
Akshit Pandey
(Attachment 1.fbx is missing)
(Attachment Outputfbx.glb is missing)
(Attachment CodeSnippetForConversion.rtf is missing)
I have attached a zip file to this email. The zip file contains an FBX file, a GLB file, and the code used for the conversion. Please review.
Akshit Pandey
Aspose Files.zip (6.79 MB)
I have attached a zip file to this email. The zip file contains an FBX file, a GLB file, and the code used for the conversion. Please review.
Akshit Pandey
Aspose Files.zip (6.79 MB)
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Hi Asad Ali,
If it meets my requirements, I would like to purchase the paid version of Aspose. We aim to enable users to export various types of models. We can arrange a meeting to discuss our requirements.
Another point I overlooked is that tiling is incorrect when exporting to a GLB file from an FBX file.
Akshit Pandey
If it meets my requirements, I would like to purchase the paid version of Aspose. We aim to enable users to export various types of models. We can arrange a meeting to discuss our requirements.
New requirements are welcomed here.
Another point I overlooked is that tiling is incorrect when exporting to a GLB file from an FBX file.
Please try following code:
GltfSaveOptions opt = new GltfSaveOptions(FileFormat.GLTF2_Binary);
opt.FlipTexCoordV = false;
scene.Save("output.glb", opt);
According to my investigation on this FBX file, I found the Blender’s FBX exporter didn’t use any extension properties like Maya/3ds max did, it just brutely connect roughness/metallic map to shininess exponent/reflection factor of a Phong material, which is only supported by Blender itself.
We can provide a compatible mode option to handle this kind of Phong material and convert it to PbrMaterial during importing.
This can be complicated when formats like USD, Maya involved, since they allow connect specified single channel of texture colors to roughness/metallic where GLTF has fixed channel.
We’ll investigate the feasibility of generate new textures for glTF/USD/Maya in the future when we refactored our material classes.