Method not found: System.Data.DataTable Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTableAsString(int,int,int,int,bool)

Hi there,

I’m trying out Aspose.Cells with a Xamarin.Forms project and have installed the NuGet in all projects within the solution and all compiles and builds correctly in all projects … but … in the Android and iOS projects when I run/debug the app I’m getting this exception occurring :slight_smile:

Method not found: System.Data.DataTable Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTableAsString(int,int,int,int,bool)

Is there something I need to add/reference in the Android and iOS projects that I’m missing?

Thanks for any help or pointers to solution.



It seems you are using Xamarin.Android/Xamarin.iOS Aspose.Cells.Dll. Your mentioned method is not included/available in Aspose.Cells assembly for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS projects. Please try using some other method instead, e.g. ExportArray() method to export data from worksheet cells to fill an array (later on you may fill the data table from array by your own code) for your needs.