Microsoft Document comments


We are currently using Aspose Words for Java.

We have a document (the original document) that has comments (notes) in it.

We load this document and then save it to another location in the file system.

Our problem is that the comments in the original document are associated to a given paragraph, but the document saved to another location does not have the comments (notes) associated to that paragraph - it is only associated with the end of the paragraph.

Looking at the Aspose Document tree structure of the original document, the comment nodes doesnt seem to reference the paragraph to which it is originally associated.

Is there a way to keep track of which text (in the document) is associated with a given comment?

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for your request. This issue is already resolved in the latest version of Aspose.Words for Java. You can download the latest version from here:
Also the following article could be useful for you:
Best regards.