Migrate PHP SDK from v18.2 to v18.9

Hello Aspose Support,

We have upgraded the SDK in our Laravel project from v18.2 to v18.9 but we noticed that the inner packages such as Aspose Storage is not a part anymore of the required packages in the main SDK and we didn’t find a guide for the migration or examples of our implementation in the new version.

Could you advise with a migration tips from v18.2 to v18.9 for our implementation which you can find attached?


Best Regards,
AlexAsposeWordService.zip (1.2 KB)


This query is related to Aspose.Cloud and will be moved to Aspose.Cloud forum for a faster response.

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Please follow this thread https://forum.aspose.cloud/t/migrate-php-sdk-from-v18-2-to-v18-9/2401 for an answer to your query.

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@muhammad.ijaz and @sohail.aspose Thanks for the clarification.