Minimum Column Width?

What is the smallest possible width of a PowerPoint (PP) table column? There is a big difference between the paper slides I’ve been given and the PP representation; the electronic version simply doesn’t appear to have nearly the room of the paper version, so I have to squeeze everything down as far as it will go. That means fonts and tables especially. I cannot seem to force a column width smaller than 8 pt. Times New Roman.

I thought that splitting cells in PPTX would be the way out, but it seems that I cannot split a cell any finer than the minimum (8 pt.?) Is there another way?

Dear Ken,

I am sorry for the delayed response.

regret to inform you that there is no work around available for splitting table cells in PPTX. The PPT column value takes integer value and PPTX column value takes float value. So, for PPT table column you may try using value 1 and for PPTX column, you may please try using value>=0.2.

Thanks and Regards,

Not sure I’m following. PPT cannot split cells (which is why I’m using PPTX) and something like splitByWidth(.125) doesn’t produce cells any narrower than the rest of the table.

I decided on a workaround: rather than trying to split the cell into very small pieces, I will overlay it with rectangles that I can make as narrow as I wish… Since our client wants the slides in 2003 format, I would not have been able to split the cells anyway.

Hi Ken,

I have verified the PPTX table column generation and the minimum width with which a column can be generated is 16.5. You may please try this on your end.

Thanks and Regards,