Minor quality of embedded images whne saving as pdf


it seems quality of embedded images suffers when workbook is saved as PDF.

Aspose TestEmbeddedImage.ZIP (63.1 KB)

Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

Best regards


Thanks for the sample code and template file.

Please open your template file into Ms Excel and increase the zoom level to some higher value, you will see the image will be deteriorated and quality will be decreased too. Now I tested using your code segment and template file to produce the PDF file format, it works Ok. You should set the zoom level to smaller value for the output PDF file format, it will give you better quality in the Adobe acrobat. But if you open in higher zoom value, the image quality will not be that great. This is same when you open the image into MS Excel and increase the zoom level to higher value, there will not be any significant difference as I checked, see the screenshot for your reference: