Mirror the directions of connectors

How can I mirror the directions of Dynamic connectors in my files?
for example, if I have a connector that is connected to the right side of a shape, I want it to be connected to the left side instead and if it’s connected to the Top side of a shape then I want it to be connected to the bottom side instead how can i do that with java?

Please try this sample code:

        Diagram diagram = new Diagram("input.vsdx");
    	Page currentPage = diagram.getPages().getPage(0); 
    	currentPage.connectShapesViaConnector(2, ConnectionPointPlace.LEFT,1, ConnectionPointPlace.RIGHT, 3);  //Just need to reverse the direction of the link point.
    	diagram.save( "out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);   

Please find attached the input and output file for your reference.
inputoutput.zip (35.4 KB)
