I am using Aspose.PDF.dll v9.4.0.0
I am converting PDF to TIF and notice that there are several characters missing in the converted TIF. I have attached the relevant files for your reference.
On page 6 of cpmr900_02.pdf file have this line: “3
110312000014 芙蓉豆腐 (二盒入) 20.0 盒 30.00 600.00”
110312000014 芙蓉豆腐 (二盒入) 20.0 盒 30.00 600.00”
After convert to TIF, 3 characters 芙蓉豆 missing from the image. (error.pdf)
File cpmr900.pdf has the same line but the result in correct.pdf showing all characters intact.
What could be the reason that caused the missing characters?