Missing Deformers

We’d like to use Aspose to import a 3d model with bones and bone weights, preferably from FBX files. To test this we have a model in Blender with the appropriate armature, etc. and export it to FBX, then in code open the model and parse through it. Our expectation is that we’ll find a deformer on the Mesh node, which should then have the bones and bone weights. However, no deformer is found.

Example Code:

foreach (var entity in node.Entities)
    switch (entity)
        case Mesh mesh:
            var prop = mesh.Properties;
            // deformers is always empty?
            var deformers = mesh.Deformers;
            foreach (var deformer in deformers)
                switch (deformer)
                    case MorphTargetDeformer morphTarget:
                    case SkinDeformer skin:
            meshes.Add((mesh, material));

Here’s the example FBX (archived in a zip):
testMakeHuman.zip (1.2 MB)

Are there examples of how deformers and bones/bone weights are obtained through Aspose.3D?


We have logged an investigation ticket as THREEDNET-880 in our issue tracking system for the feature that you are looking for. We will investigate its feasibility and let you know once the ticket is resolved. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.